semi-dry floor screed
Полусухая стяжка пола в Альметьевск | OS-S.RU
Полусухая стяжка пола в Альметьевск: быстрое высыхание, высокая прочность, минимальные трещины. Идеальна для теплых полов и финишных покрытий. Экономичный и экологичный выбор.

Полусухая стяжка пола в Альметьевск

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semi-dry floor screed
semi-dry floor screed
Полусухая стяжка пола – это один из наиболее современных и эффективных способов выравнивания и подготовки полов перед укладкой финишных покрытий. В последние годы этот метод стал особенно популярным в строительстве и ремонте жилья в Альметьевск, благодаря своим преимуществам, таким как высокая скорость выполнения, минимальное количество влаги и отличные эксплуатационные характеристики.

Advantages of semi-dry screed

Полусухая стяжка пола обладает рядом существенных преимуществ, которые делают её предпочтительным выбором для многих строителей и владельцев недвижимости в Альметьевск:
  1. Speed of work completion. Полусухая стяжка позволяет значительно сократить время на устройство полов по сравнению с традиционными методами, такими как мокрая стяжка. Это особенно важно в условиях плотного графика строительства и ремонта в Альметьевск.
  2. Minimum amount of moisture. В отличие от мокрых методов, полусухая стяжка содержит минимальное количество воды, что позволяет избежать многих проблем, связанных с усадкой и длительным высыханием пола. Это также снижает риск появления плесени и грибка, что особенно актуально в условиях повышенной влажности в некоторых районах Альметьевск.
  3. High strength and durability. Semi-dry screed has high strength and resistance to mechanical loads. This ensures a long service life of the floor and its reliability in the conditions of intensive operation typical of urban real estate.
  4. Eco-friendly. Полусухая стяжка пола изготавливается из экологически чистых материалов, что делает её безопасной для здоровья жильцов и окружающей среды. Это особенно важно в условиях Альметьевск, где экологическая обстановка зачастую оставляет желать лучшего.
semi-dry floor screed
semi-dry floor screed
semi-dry floor screed
semi-dry floor screed

Semi-dry screed technology

Процесс выполнения полусухой стяжки пола в Альметьевск включает несколько основных этапов:
  1. Preparation of the base. The floor base must be free of dust, dirt and other contaminants. If necessary, cracks are repaired and the surface is leveled.
  2. Waterproofing installation. A layer of waterproofing material is laid on the prepared base, which prevents moisture from entering the screed from the base. This is especially important in conditions of high humidity in some areas of the city.
  3. Installing the damper belt. A damping tape is installed around the perimeter of the room, which compensates for thermal expansion and compression of the screed, preventing the appearance of cracks.
  4. Preparation of the mixture. The mix for semi-dry screed is made of cement, sand and a minimum amount of water. It is important to observe the correct proportions of components to obtain a high-quality solution.
  5. Laying the mix. The finished mixture is evenly distributed over the floor surface and rammed with a vibrating plate or other equipment. This ensures a tight fit of the mixture to the substrate and its uniform compaction.
  6. Surface alignment. The surface of the screed is leveled using special rules and beacons, which allows you to get a smooth and smooth base for subsequent laying of the final coating.
  7. Grouting the surface. To give the screed surface an ideal smoothness and eliminate minor defects, grout is performed using special machines or manually.

Применение полусухой стяжки в Альметьевск

Полусухая стяжка пола широко применяется в различных типах зданий и помещений в Альметьевск:
  1. Residential buildings. In new buildings and during major repairs of apartments, semi-dry screed is used for leveling floors before laying laminate, parquet, tiles and other finishing coatings. This allows you to create an ideal base for any type of coating and ensures the durability of the floor.
  2. Commercial properties. В офисах, торговых центрах, гостиницах и других коммерческих зданиях Альметьевск полусухая стяжка пола используется для создания прочного и ровного основания под ковровое покрытие, линолеум, плитку и другие материалы. Это позволяет обеспечить комфортные условия для работы и обслуживания клиентов.
  3. Public buildings. In schools, kindergartens, hospitals and other public institutions of the city, semi-dry floor screed is used to create a safe and durable coating that can withstand intense loads and long-term operation.
  4. Industrial buildings. In production halls, warehouses and other industrial facilities of the city, semi-dry floor screed is used to create a coating that is resistant to mechanical damage and chemical influences. This ensures reliable operation of the equipment and employee safety.
semi-dry floor screed
semi-dry floor screed
semi-dry floor screed
semi-dry floor screed

Особенности выполнения полусухой стяжки в Альметьевск

Выполнение полусухой стяжки пола в условиях Альметьевск имеет свои особенности, которые необходимо учитывать:
  1. Transportation of materials. В условиях плотной застройки и ограниченного доступа к строительным объектам в Альметьевск транспортировка материалов для полусухой стяжки может быть затруднена. Для решения этой проблемы часто используется специализированное оборудование, такое как бетононасосы, которые позволяют доставлять смесь на большие расстояния и в труднодоступные места.
  2. Limited space. В небольших квартирах и офисах Альметьевск выполнение полусухой стяжки может быть осложнено из-за ограниченного пространства для работы. В таких случаях особенно важно правильно организовать рабочий процесс и использовать компактное оборудование.
  3. Noise and vibration. Выполнение полусухой стяжки пола связано с использованием виброплит и другого шумного оборудования, что может создавать неудобства для жильцов и соседей в многоквартирных домах и офисных зданиях Альметьевск. Для минимизации этого воздействия необходимо соблюдать правила и нормы по уровню шума и вибрации, а также согласовывать проведение работ с управляющими компаниями и соседями.
  4. Climatic conditions. В некоторых районах Альметьевск климатические условия могут оказывать влияние на процесс выполнения полусухой стяжки пола. Например, при высокой влажности или низких температурах необходимо использовать специальные добавки в смесь, которые улучшают её свойства и позволяют проводить работы в сложных условиях.

Советы по выбору подрядчика для выполнения полусухой стяжки в Альметьевск

Выбор квалифицированного подрядчика для выполнения полусухой стяжки пола в Альметьевск является важным этапом, от которого зависит качество и долговечность пола. При выборе подрядчика рекомендуется учитывать следующие факторы:
  1. Experience and reputation. Preference should be given to companies with many years of experience and positive customer reviews. A contractor's reputation is an important indicator of their professionalism and reliability.
  2. Quality of materials. Make sure that the contractor uses high-quality materials and modern equipment to perform semi-dry screed. This will ensure high quality of work and durability of the floor.
  3. Cost of services. The cost of semi-dry floor screed services may vary depending on the complexity of the work, volume and materials used. It is recommended to compare the offers of several contractors and choose the best price-performance ratio.
  4. Warranty and service. Reliable contractors provide guarantees for the work performed and offer floor maintenance and repair services if necessary. This provides additional protection and confidence in the quality of work performed.
semi-dry floor screed
semi-dry floor screed
Features of semi-dry floor screed
Features of semi-dry floor screed
Полусухая стяжка пола является современным и эффективным методом выравнивания полов, который широко применяется в строительстве и ремонте жилых, коммерческих, общественных и промышленных зданий в Альметьевск. Этот метод обладает рядом существенных преимуществ, таких как высокая скорость выполнения, минимальное количество влаги, высокая прочность и долговечность. Учитывая особенности выполнения работ в условиях Альметьевск, важно правильно выбрать квалифицированного подрядчика, который обеспечит качественное выполнение полусухой стяжки и долговечность пола.
Feature of semi-dry floor screed
Feature of semi-dry floor screed

Semi-dry floor screed ordering process

Site consultation and evaluation

  • Contact us: Contact us in any way that is convenient for you – by phone, email, or using the form on our website. Our specialists will answer all your questions and arrange a trip to the site.
  • Object evaluation: Our experts will come to your site to conduct a thorough assessment of the conditions. We will measure the area, study the features of the room and offer optimal solutions.

Drawing up estimates and entering into a contract

  • Development of cost estimates: Based on the received data, we will make a detailed estimate that includes all costs – the cost of materials, work, transportation and other related costs.
  • Approval of terms and conditions: After agreeing on all the terms and conditions, we conclude a contract with you, which sets out the terms of performance, the cost of services and our warranty obligations.

Preparation for work execution

  • Purchasing materialsA : We care about the quality of the materials used, so we only buy certified products from reliable suppliers.
  • Preparing the map item: Our specialists will perform all the necessary preparatory work: clean the base, install waterproofing and damping tape.

Performing semi-dry screed laying operations

  • Preparation of the mixture: We prepare a semi-dry mix of cement, sand and water directly on your site, strictly observing the proportions to achieve optimal performance.
  • Laying and leveling: The mixture is evenly distributed over the floor surface, compacted and leveled using professional equipment.

Completion of work and quality control

  • Grout and sanding: To give the surface a perfect smoothness, we perform grout and sanding of the screed, eliminating all minor defects.
  • Quality control: We carry out a thorough inspection of the work performed, measuring the parameters of the screed and testing its strength. Adjustments are made if necessary.

Delivery of the object and execution of warranty obligations

  • Acceptance of works: You accept the completed works, making sure that they are of high quality and meet your expectations.
  • Making guarantees: We provide you with all the necessary documents confirming our warranty obligations for the work performed.
Наша компания всегда нацелена на высокое качество и удовлетворение потребностей наших клиентов. Доверяя нам выполнение полусухой стяжки пола в Альметьевск, вы можете быть уверены в надежности и долговечности результата. Свяжитесь с нами прямо сейчас, чтобы узнать больше и оформить заказ. Мы с радостью поможем вам создать идеальный пол в вашем доме, офисе или любом другом помещении.

Полусухая стяжка пола в Альметьевск: Технология, преимущества и особенности

Полусухая стяжка пола в Альметьевск – это современный метод выравнивания поверхности, который отличается повышенной прочностью, быстротой выполнения и минимальным количеством воды в составе смеси. Эта технология активно применяется как в жилом, так и в коммерческом строительстве благодаря своим многочисленным преимуществам. В данной статье мы рассмотрим основные аспекты полусухой стяжки пола, её преимущества, этапы выполнения и используемое оборудование.

1. Что такое полусухая стяжка пола в Альметьевск?

Полусухая стяжка пола в Альметьевск представляет собой смесь песка, цемента и минимального количества воды. В отличие от традиционных жидких растворов, полусухая смесь имеет консистенцию влажного песка, что позволяет легче формировать ровную поверхность и снижает риск растрескивания и усадки. Технология полусухой стяжки подразумевает использование специализированного оборудования, что обеспечивает высокую точность и качество работ.

2. Преимущества полусухой стяжки пола в Альметьевск

Полусухая стяжка пола в Альметьевск обладает рядом значительных преимуществ:

  1. Fast drying: The minimal water content in the mix ensures fast drying of the screed, which allows you to reduce the time required to complete the work and start laying the final coating in just a few days.
  2. High strength: Semi-dry screed has a high mechanical strength and resistance to loads, which makes it an ideal option for rooms with intensive operation.
  3. Minimal shrinkage: Due to the minimal water content in the mix, the screed is practically not subject to shrinkage, which reduces the risk of cracks and deformations.
  4. Cost-effectiveness: Semi-dry screed technology requires less cement and water, which reduces material costs. Also, due to rapid drying, time and labor costs are reduced.
  5. Versatility: Semi-dry screed is suitable for various types of premises and surfaces, including residential buildings, offices, retail areas and industrial facilities.

3. Оборудование для полусухой стяжки пола в Альметьевск

Для выполнения полусухой стяжки пола в Альметьевск используется специализированное оборудование, которое позволяет автоматизировать процесс и повысить его эффективность:

  1. Pneumatic supercharger: Device for feeding the finished mixture to the place of laying. It consists of a hopper for the mixture, a compressor and a hose for supplying the solution under pressure.
  2. Grout machines: Devices for levelling and compacting the mixture on the floor surface. They allow you to create a smooth and smooth surface without the need for manual labor.
  3. Laser level: A tool for precise level measurement and screed height control. Allows you to achieve perfect flatness of the surface.
  4. Grinding machines: Used for finishing screed surfaces, eliminating minor irregularities and creating a smooth base for laying the finish coat.

4. Процесс выполнения полусухой стяжки пола в Альметьевск

Процесс выполнения полусухой стяжки пола в Альметьевск включает несколько ключевых этапов:

4.1 Preparation of the foundation

Before laying the screed, the substrate must be thoroughly prepared:

4.2 Preparation of the mixture

The mixture for semi-dry screed is prepared in a pneumatic supercharger:

4.3 Laying the mix

The finished mixture is fed to the floor surface through a pneumatic supercharger hose:

4.4 Alignment and compaction

After laying the mixture, the surface is leveled and compacted using grout machines:

4.5 Finishing works

After leveling and compaction is completed, final work must be carried out:

5. Types of mixtures for semi-dry screed

Для полусухой стяжки пола в Альметьевск используются различные виды смесей, в зависимости от условий эксплуатации и требований к конечному покрытию:

  1. Cement-sand mixture: The main type of mix, consisting of sand, cement and a minimum amount of water. It has high strength and versatility of application.
  2. Fiber-reinforced concrete mix: Includes fibro-fiber, which increases the strength and resistance of the screed to mechanical loads and cracks.
  3. Polymer cement mix: Contains polymer additives that improve the adhesive properties and plasticity of the mixture. Suitable for difficult surfaces and operating conditions.
  4. Gypsum mix: Suitable for indoor use in dry areas. It has a high drying rate and good ductility.

6. Features and recommendations for performing semi-dry screed

When performing a semi-dry floor screed, several features must be taken into account and certain recommendations must be followed:

6.1 Maintaining equipment cleanliness

After completion of work, the equipment must be thoroughly rinsed from the remaining mixture to avoid clogging and damage to the mechanisms. Regular cleaning and maintenance of equipment extends its service life and ensures high quality of work.

6.2 Quality control of the mixture

The mixture should be homogeneous and free of lumps. The water used to prepare the mortar must be clean and meet the requirements of building codes. It is necessary to strictly observe the proportions of the components to achieve optimal consistency and strength of the screed.

6.3 Correct application

The mixture should be applied evenly, avoiding gaps and congestion in certain areas of the floor. The optimal layer thickness is determined by the type of mixture and operating conditions. When laying the screed, it is necessary to control the level and evenness of the surface using a laser level.

6.4 Compliance with safety regulations

When working with the equipment, it is necessary to use protective equipment-glasses, gloves, hard hats. Electric and pneumatic machines must be operated in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. It is important to take precautions when working with cement and other components of the mixture to avoid damage to the skin and respiratory tract.

7. Применение полусухой стяжки пола в Альметьевск

Полусухая стяжка пола в Альметьевск находит широкое применение в различных областях строительства:

7.1 Residential premises

Semi-dry screed is ideal for leveling floors in residential buildings and apartments. It provides a smooth and solid base for laying various finishing coatings-laminate, parquet, tile, carpet. Fast drying of the screed allows you to reduce the repair time and speed up the commissioning of premises.

7.2 Offices and commercial buildings

В офисных и коммерческих зданиях полусухая стяжка пола в Альметьевск используется для создания прочного и износостойкого основания, способного выдерживать интенсивные нагрузки и эксплуатацию. Она обеспечивает долговечность и надёжность пола, а также высокое качество финишного покрытия.

7.3 Industrial facilities

На промышленных объектах полусухая стяжка пола в Альметьевск применяется для выравнивания полов в производственных цехах, складах и других помещениях, где требуется высокая прочность и устойчивость к механическим нагрузкам. Полусухая стяжка обеспечивает долговечность и надёжность полов, а также сокращает затраты на их обслуживание и ремонт.

7.4 Public buildings

In public buildings such as schools, hospitals, shopping malls and other institutions, semi – dry floor screed is used to create a strong and level foundation that ensures the comfort and safety of visitors. Fast drying of the screed allows you to minimize interruptions in the work of institutions and speed up the process of finishing rooms.


Полусухая стяжка пола в Альметьевск – это современная и эффективная технология, которая значительно упрощает и ускоряет процесс выравнивания полов, обеспечивая высокое качество и долговечность покрытия. Использование специализированного оборудования и соблюдение рекомендаций по выполнению работ гарантируют идеальную ровность и прочность стяжки, что делает её оптимальным выбором для различных типов помещений и условий эксплуатации.


Frequently Asked questions and answers.

Yes, watering a semi-dry screed with water after pouring is necessary to ensure that it dries properly and gains strength. Watering the screed helps prevent it from cracking and ensures even drying. Here are some guidelines for this process::
  1. Start of watering:
    • Start watering should be 12-24 hours after laying the screed. The start time for watering may vary depending on the ambient temperature and humidity.
  2. Regularity of watering:
    • Water the screed regularly during the first 3-7 days. The frequency of watering may depend on weather conditions. In hot and dry weather, water more often to prevent the top layer from drying out quickly.
  3. Watering method:
    • Watering should be even and not too intense, so as not to blur the top layer of screed. It is best to use a spray bottle or watering can with a fine spray.
  4. Screed shelter:
    • To prevent rapid evaporation of moisture and protect it from direct sunlight, it is recommended to cover the screed with plastic wrap or tarpaulin. This will help retain moisture and ensure even drying.
  5. Humidity control:
    • It is important to ensure that the screed remains wet, but not over-wet. Waterlogging can lead to cracks and reduce the strength of the screed.
  6. Duration of watering:
    • On average, watering is continued until the screed gains sufficient strength, which usually takes from 3 to 7 days. After that, you should keep the humidity in the room to avoid sudden drying.
Following these guidelines will help ensure high quality and durability of semi-dry floor screeds.
Covering a semi-dry floor screed with a film after pouring is really recommended, as this helps to ensure proper drying and strength gain. Here are the main reasons and recommendations for covering a semi-dry screed:

Why you need to cover the screed with a film:

  1. Preventing rapid evaporation of moisture:
    • The film helps to retain the necessary moisture in the screed, preventing its rapid evaporation, which is especially important in conditions of high temperature and low humidity.
  2. Protection from external influences:
    • Covering the screed prevents dust, dirt and foreign objects from getting on it, which can negatively affect the quality of the surface.
  3. Uniform drying:
    • The film promotes uniform drying of the screed over the entire area, which helps to avoid the appearance of cracks and deformations.

How to properly cover a semi-dry screed:

  1. Shelter start time:
    • Cover the screed with a film immediately after the end of laying and leveling the mixture. This will help you immediately start the process of preserving moisture.
  2. Shelter material:
    • It is best to use plastic wrap or tarpaulin. They provide good tightness and protection from external factors.
  3. Film laying:
    • The film should completely cover the entire surface of the screed with a small margin at the edges. Make sure that the film adheres to the surface and does not form air pockets.
    • The edges of the film can be pressed down with heavy objects or secured with sticky tape to prevent it from shifting.
  4. Shelter period:
    • The film should be left on the screed for 3-7 days, depending on the drying conditions and ambient temperature. If necessary, the film can be lifted to water the screed and put back in place.
  5. Screed condition monitoring:
    • It is important to regularly check the condition of the screed under the film to avoid excessive moisture or condensation.
Following these recommendations will help ensure optimal conditions for drying and gaining strength of a semi-dry screed, which ultimately affects its quality and durability.
Yes, a semi-dry screed can be made on a warm water floor, and this is even one of the most common methods of laying underfloor heating. However, it is important to follow a number of technical requirements and recommendations to ensure the reliability and durability of the underfloor heating system. Here are the main points to consider:

Preparatory work

  1. Preparation of the base:
    • The substrate must be smooth, clean and solid. Before installing the underfloor heating system, clean the surface of dust, dirt and other contaminants.
  2. Waterproofing:
    • A layer of waterproofing material is laid on the prepared base to prevent moisture penetration from below and protect the underfloor heating.
  3. Thermal insulation:
    • The installation of thermal insulation materials (such as expanded polystyrene) helps to minimize heat loss downwards and direct the heat up into the room. This ensures more efficient operation of the system.
  4. Laying of reinforcing mesh:
    • For additional strength and stability of the screed, a reinforcing mesh is laid. It prevents cracking of the screed and improves its mechanical properties.

Installation of underfloor heating system

  1. Pipe placement:
    • Pipes of the underfloor heating system are laid on top of thermal insulation and reinforcing mesh. It is important to follow the installation step and scheme (coil, snail, etc.) recommended by the system manufacturer.
  2. Pipe fixing:
    • Pipes are fixed to the base with special fasteners to prevent their displacement when pouring screed.

Performing a semi-dry screed

  1. Preparation of the mixture:
    • The semi-dry mixture is made of cement, sand and a minimum amount of water. It is important to observe the proportions of the components to achieve optimal performance.
  2. Laying the screed:
    • The semi-dry mixture is evenly distributed over the pipes of the underfloor heating system and compacted. Care should be taken not to damage the pipes during installation.
  3. Levelling and grouting:
    • The surface of the screed is leveled using rules and beacons, and then grout gives it smoothness and evenness.

Screed maintenance

  1. Watering system:
    • As with a conventional semi-dry screed, after installation, the floor should be regularly watered with water for the first 3-7 days to avoid cracking and ensure even drying.
  2. Film cover:
    • Covering the screed with plastic wrap helps retain moisture and ensure even drying.

Putting into operation

  1. Screed exposure time:
    • Before turning on the underfloor heating system, the screed must be completely dry and gain strength. This usually takes about 28 days, but the exact time depends on the thickness of the screed and the drying conditions.
  2. Gradual heating:
    • The first activation of the underfloor heating system should be gradual. The temperature should be raised in stages to avoid a sharp temperature drop and possible damage to the screed.


Semi-dry screed on a warm water floor is a reliable and efficient solution that ensures good heat transfer and system durability. It is important to follow all technical requirements and recommendations to avoid problems and ensure a comfortable and safe use of underfloor heating.
Laminate flooring can be laid on a semi-dry floor screed only after complete drying and gaining strength of the screed. The time required for this depends on several factors, such as the thickness of the screed, the temperature and humidity of the environment. Here are the main recommendations that will help you determine when you can start laying laminate flooring:

Key recommendations

  1. Minimum drying time
    • On average, a semi-dry screed dries out within 28 days. This time is necessary for the screed to gain sufficient strength and dry evenly over the entire thickness.
  2. Humidity control
    • Before laying laminate flooring, it is important to make sure that the screed humidity meets the requirements of the laminate manufacturer. Usually, this indicator should not exceed 2-2. 5% according to the carbide hygrometer method (CM-method). Humidity can be checked using special devices or tests.
  3. Humidity test
    • To check the humidity of the screed, you can use a plastic wrap. Place a piece of film on the floor and attach it around the edges with sticky tape. Leave it on for 24 hours. If no condensation forms under the film, the screed is dry enough.

Additional recommendations

  1. Airing the room
    • Provide good ventilation in the room to speed up the screed drying process. However, avoid draughts and sudden changes in temperature, so as not to damage the screed.
  2. Temperature range
    • Maintain a stable temperature in the room where the screed dries. The optimum temperature for screed drying is 15-25°C.
  3. Using a primer
    • Before laying the laminate, it is recommended to treat the screed surface with a primer. This will improve adhesion and prevent the appearance of dust.
  4. Laying the substrate
    • Under the laminate, a substrate must be laid, which performs the functions of sound and thermal insulation, and also compensates for small unevenness of the screed.

Laying laminate flooring on a warm water floor

If the semi-dry screed is made on a warm water floor, the following additional measures must be carried out before laying the laminate::
  1. Checking the underfloor heating system
    • The underfloor heating system must be checked and tested before laying laminate flooring. Make sure that it works correctly and there are no leaks.
  2. Gradual activation of heating
    • Turn on the underfloor heating system at minimum power a few days before laying laminate flooring and gradually increase the temperature. This will help to avoid a sharp temperature drop and prevent damage to the screed.
  3. Turning off the heating system before installation
    • Turn off the heat and allow the floor to cool to room temperature 1-2 days before installing the laminate flooring. After laying the laminate, the system can be turned on gradually, so as not to damage the coating.


Laying laminate flooring on a semi-dry screed is possible only after complete drying and gaining strength of the screed. The average drying time is 28 days, but before laying, it is necessary to check the humidity of the screed and make sure that it meets the requirements. Following these guidelines will help ensure the durability and quality of the floor covering.
Yes, reinforcement of semi-dry floor screed is recommended, as it helps to increase its strength, prevent cracking and ensure durability. Reinforcement is especially important in cases where the screed will be subjected to significant loads or if the thickness of the screed exceeds 40-50 mm. Consider the main reasons and methods for reinforcing semi-dry floor screed.

Reasons for screed reinforcement

  1. Increased strength:
    • Reinforcement improves the mechanical characteristics of the screed, increasing its compressive and tensile strength.
  2. Preventing cracking:
    • Metal or plastic mesh prevents the formation of cracks and shrinkage deformations, especially in conditions of temperature and humidity changes.
  3. Uniform load distribution:
    • The reinforcing material helps to evenly distribute the load over the entire surface of the screed, which is especially important for rooms with high traffic or significant mechanical loads.
  4. Resistance to dynamic loads:
    • Reinforcement helps the screed better withstand dynamic loads, such as the movement of people and furniture.

Methods of reinforcement of semi-dry screed

  1. Metal mesh:
    • One of the most common methods of reinforcement is the use of metal welded mesh. Typically, meshes with 100×100 mm or 150×150 mm cells and a wire thickness of 3-5 mm are used.
    • The grid is placed on stands (beacons) so that it is located in the middle part of the screed, which provides optimal protection against cracks.
  2. Plastic mesh:
    • As an alternative to metal, you can use a plastic mesh. It is lighter, does not corrode and also effectively prevents the screed from cracking.
    • The plastic mesh is also placed on the beacons to ensure its location in the middle of the screed.
  3. Fibrovolokno:
    • Another method of reinforcement is the addition of a semi-dry fiber mixture. The fiber is evenly distributed over the entire thickness of the screed, creating a fine reinforcing structure.
    • Fibreglass reduces the risk of microcracks and increases the overall strength of the screed.
  4. Combined method:
    • In some cases, a combined method can be used, when both mesh and fibreglass are used. This ensures maximum protection and durability of the screed.

Reinforcement technology

  1. Preparation of the base:
    • The base is cleaned of dust and dirt, leveled and, if necessary, covered with a primer.
  2. Installation of waterproofing and thermal insulation:
    • A layer of waterproofing and thermal insulation is laid on the prepared base, if necessary.
  3. Installing beacons:
    • Beacons are installed to align the screed. They will help to create a smooth surface and maintain the desired level of screed.
  4. Laying of reinforcing material:
    • Metal or plastic mesh is placed on stands so that it is located in the middle part of the screed.
    • If fibreglass is used, it is added to the dry mix before adding water.
  5. Preparation and laying of the mixture:
    • The prepared semi-dry mixture is evenly distributed over the surface, compacted and leveled using rules and beacons.
  6. Completion of work:
    • The surface of the screed is smoothed and, if necessary, covered with a film to prevent rapid drying and ensure uniform strength gain.


Reinforcement of semi-dry floor screed is an important step that significantly increases its strength characteristics and durability. The choice of a particular reinforcement method depends on the operating conditions of the screed and its quality requirements. Compliance with all recommendations and reinforcement technologies will help to create a strong and durable floor covering.
The time required to complete semi-dry floor screed work depends on several factors, such as the area of the room, the conditions on the site, and the complexity of the work. Below is an approximate timeline, which may vary depending on the specific circumstances.:

Approximate time schedule for semi-dry floor screed works

  1. Preparatory work
    • Object evaluation and cost estimation:
      • It includes a specialist's visit to the site, measuring the area, assessing the condition of the foundation, and making estimates.
    • Purchasing and delivering materials:
      • Purchase of necessary materials (cement, sand, reinforcing mesh, fibreglass, etc.) and their delivery to the site.
  2. Preparation of the base
    • Cleaning and leveling the base:
      • Cleaning of dust, dirt and remnants of previous coatings, if necessary leveling the base.
    • Installation of waterproofing and thermal insulation:
      • Laying of a waterproofing layer and thermal insulation, if it is provided by the project.
    • Installation of beacons and reinforcing mesh:
      • Installation of beacons for leveling and laying of reinforcing mesh or other reinforcing materials.
  3. Preparation and laying of the mixture
    • Preparation of a semi-dry mixture: During the day
      • Preparation of a mixture of cement, sand and water in the required proportions.
    • Laying and leveling the screed: 1-2 days (depending on the area)
      • Laying of semi-dry mix, its compaction and leveling.
  4. Finishing works
    • Grout and surface smoothing: During the day
      • Smoothing the surface to make it smooth and smooth.
  5. Screed maintenance
    • Watering and covering with film: 3 days
      • Watering the screed with water to prevent cracking and covering it with a film to preserve moisture.
    • Exposure time until completely dry: 7-14 days
      • The screed must dry completely and gain strength. During this period, it is important to maintain stable humidity and temperature conditions.


Thus, direct work on laying semi-dry floor screed usually takes from 1 to 3 days, depending on the area of the room and the complexity of the work. However, to fully complete the process and allow further laying of the final coating (for example, laminate, tile, etc.), it is necessary to wait for the screed to dry completely, which takes approximately 7-14 days.
Semi-dry floor screed differs from the usual (wet)one screeds based on several key parameters, including mix composition, installation technology, and performance characteristics. Let's look at the main differences in more detail:

Composition of the mixture

  1. Semi-dry screed:
    • The mixture consists of cement, sand and a minimum amount of water. Fiber or reinforcing mesh is used to increase strength. The water-to-cement ratio is minimal, which makes the mixture less wet and more ductile.
  2. Plain (wet) screed:
    • The mixture includes cement, sand, and a significant amount of water. The ratio of water to cement is higher, which makes the mixture liquid and more convenient for pouring.

Styling technology

  1. Semi-dry screed:
    • The mixture is placed and compacted mechanically using special equipment. After laying, the surface is leveled and smoothed. The minimum humidity of the mixture avoids leaks and reduces the risk of cracking.
    • Work is performed faster due to less water and faster setting of the mixture. Semi-dry screed is ready for further work (for example, laying the final coating) in 3-5 days, although complete drying takes 28 days.
  2. Plain (wet) screed:
    • The mixture is poured onto the floor surface and leveled. High water content can lead to leaks and increase the drying time.
    • Drying and strength gain take longer, often taking 28 to 30 days before the finish is ready to be laid.

Operational characteristics

  1. Semi-dry screed:
    • It is less prone to shrinkage and cracking due to the minimal amount of water.
    • It has high strength and durability.
    • It can be used in underfloor heating systems due to its good thermal conductivity and resistance to temperature changes.
    • It is more environmentally friendly due to lower water consumption and minimal dust formation during installation.
  2. Plain (wet) screed:
    • It may be prone to shrinkage and cracking due to high humidity.
    • Requires a long time to dry and gain strength.
    • It is used in various construction projects, including underfloor heating systems, but requires additional maintenance during the drying period.

Cost and labor costs

  1. Semi-dry screed:
    • Most often, it requires the use of specialized equipment and equipment, which can increase initial costs.
    • Fast installation and ready for further work can reduce the overall cost of the project by reducing the time required to complete the work.
  2. Plain (wet) screed:
    • It is less demanding for specialized equipment, which can reduce initial costs.
    • Long drying times and strength gains can increase overall project costs by extending the lead time.


Semi-dry screed and conventional screed have their own advantages and disadvantages, which should be considered when choosing a technology for a specific project. Semi-dry screed has a number of advantages, including fast installation, minimal shrinkage and high strength, which makes it the preferred option for many modern construction projects. However, the choice of technology depends on the specific conditions and requirements of the project.